Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Why is it so difficult for us to forgive others? Why do we find it so hard to let go?
Sometimes, even years after a certain incident; sometimes, even after they have apologized; sometimes, when they have hurt you unknowingly and have no idea that you are struggling to forgive them.


Because we are usually under the misconception that we will be doing them a favor by forgiving them.
That in fact, is not the case.
When we forgive someone, we actually do ourselves a huge favor because through forgiveness.

We release all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that we are so desperately holding onto in our anger.

Replaying the moment again and again in our mind, torturing ourselves in so many ways.
It hurts us more than them, when we don’t forgive.

We find it hard to forgive because we think we are in the more powerful position when we hold back forgiveness.
Actually we are the weak ones, if that’s the kind of power we rely on to give us strength.
We are also not able to forgive because we take everything so personally.
Not everything another person does is done with the concious intention of hurting you.
Sometimes they are just trying to protect themselves and that’s the best they way they know how to protect themselves.

Haven’t you heard of the saying  ’The Best Defence is Offense’?
We need to give allowance to others for their insecurities and their imperfections without taking things personally.

So even if you do it for the most selfish of reasons, go ahead and forgive.
First, forgive yourself for holding onto the grudge for as long as you did.
Then, forgive the other person.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Remember the moment
together that we spent
first looks meld with words meant from the start
(as you reach in and then caress my soul)

in the next days when we met
time stopped and was reset
you stepped with each hour more towards my heart
(i, made angel, and then your heaven made whole)

each rendevouz ended
with longing for more than
realities too void of real touch
(or the whispers to feel as they flow past lips)

deep-driven to drive to
a place just to see you,
embrace and ensnare you just as such
(my plea thus silenced as the hourglass tips)

and you claim
its not real
a mere fantasy
you abstain
and do not feel,
want it
or need it to be

these words
so spoken
left me
so broken
and bitter

never wanted to talk to
speak with or forgive you
but with one hello I was yours anew
(forgot and forgave all your hurting words)

dove deep in surroundings
my sea, you were all things
i fell, felt all over in love with you
(both our hearts soar, sing, and take to wing like birds)

with each pass of the seconds
the hourglass lost its sands
still dreams of you close in within my skin
(with lips upon lips and our hearts to heart)

these moments, now past when
I was with you last and
each memory a cherished and fragile gem
(but even as I grasp them they break, fall apart)

and i ask myself why
how dare.. how could i
ever have let you leave..let you go
so dear

to me yet of answer bereft
it tears..what is left
and i wait and i waste so
my tears

which run from my eyes
down these cheeks
over lips
and reminds
is bittersweet
like your kiss

which is I know but in my mind
still won’t let go of this second life
and will hold on, and make it right
pay with my soul, keep it alive

this bitter dream
to dream too sweet
within this dream
whispered to sleep

bittersweet dreams
in dreams, asleep be
bye my love

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

End Of Pain

Love unfulfilled is just about The worst thing in the world It's when you spend all your free time Just pining for some girl

The pain is dull and unrelenting
A never ending hell
The hold she has on my poor heart's
As strong as some strange spell

It's the kind of love that I don't want
An uninvited guest
yet I can't help but feel it's pull
A force I can't resist

I've fought my feelings for her
With my emotions I waged war
But that was just a massacre
Cause love prevailed once more

So I almost lost all my hope
I saw no way it'd end
I thought that wishing for her love's
How my life would be spent

But then as if by magic
The pain was suddenly gone
I opened up my tired, sore eyes
To the coming of the dawn

I wondered why it disappeared
It all happened so fast
Why is it that the storm in me
Had suddenly gone past?

I don't know and I don't care
I'll leave this case unsolved
Just so long as the pain that I felt
Is gone, extinct, dissolved.....

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Watching you from across the room sends searing pain through my heart. I think back to a year ago, when I thought we'd never part.

My love for you just won't die down - it just grows with each new day. I wish you'd dare to look at me and hear what I have to say; "I love you and I want you back - " but these words you just won't hear.
You don't seem to remember them - all the memories I hold dear. You were my first kiss, my first love and now you don't even care.
How could you just blow it away? We were the perfect pair. you seem content to let me go - You're doing fine as you are, while I'm still missing how we were. We had the best love by far.